
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We've talked and talked about it, and we've finally done it! A few days ago my grandma and I got together and she gave me her jam recipe. When I say, gave me her recipe, I mean that she let me watch her do it. My grandma writes down nothing. Her mind is a steel recipe box, so when we want to have one, we sit and watch and make her stop so we can measure things along the way.
Anyway, the jam day was lots of fun. She and my grandpa grow different grapes on their property (along with fruit trees, blueberry bushes, and a summer and fall garden every year... their yard resembles the produce section of the grocery store, only better) - they harvested the muscadine grapes and brought them down. I actually convinced her to let me make the batch with no sugar added. Of course, I practically hid the sugar from her, but the jam turned out beautifully. It's just the kind of tart, sweet thing I like, and at the rate that Edward eats pb&j's, I'm probably saving him a few cavities as well. I'm excited to dive into this jam making thing some more, and even more excited about sharing my spoils. Things from home and things from scratch are so good. Good to make, good to eat, and good to give.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously?!? great minds think alike ... Kylle and I have been picking blackberries non-stop and the other day I went to my landlord's place and we made blackberry jam together! We have been enjoying the homemade goodness for the last couple of days, and it goes oh so well with a little pb and toast. I would love to share recipes because the one that we did included a bit too much sugar for my liking ... love you guys and miss you more!
