
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

For the past few days I've been finishing a book I borrowed too long ago, and due to the nature of the book (title: In Defense of Food) my mind has somewhat guiltily (yes, a word) wandered back outside and to the garden. The garden, that after the semi-monsoon of a couple weeks ago, is now wilty and brownish around the edges. A poor sight containing only a few cucumbers and jalapenos on their way to red.
I need to get out there and weed. again. Last year I was spoiled into thinking that my little plot would not succumb to the horrid 'satan weed,' as my mother and garden mentor calls it, but it has, and how... I'm not sure it's true that if you pick a grey hair two will grow in it's place, but it certainly seems to be so when it comes to nut grass. I loathe it. I'm tired of carefully digging nuts out of my soil only to have a few days pass, or a good rain, and see another million or so peeking up through my mulch. Ugh. But it has to be done, because there are more goodies to be planted, and I have a baby who will very soon be eating veggies that I prefer to be organically and, if possible, homegrown. Eating real food is so much work, but it's worthwhile so I'll quit complaining. For now, anyway.
I'll try, instead, to remember to be thankful for the things that DO grow, despite my periods of negligence or ignorance. God truly made an incredible earth that it provides for us the way it does. Grocery stores do no justice at all. None at all.

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